Asami Yoshiga
Solo Exhibition

Asami Yoshiga
1972 Born in Tottori, JAPAN
1999 Completed the Master Course in Japanese Painting at Musashino Art University
2002 Exellence Prize at HOSHINO SHINGO PLIZE
2008 Aomori Contemporary Art Centre Artist in Residenc Program
2008 Autumn 「Luna Forest」
2017 Exellence Prize at HOSHINO SHINGO PLIZE
2018-2023 Part-time lecturer at Musashino Art University
2021 The Program of Overseas Study for Artists sponsored by The Agency for Cultural Affairs,Government of Japan
Public Collection:
SMoCA Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art
Toyohashi City Museum of Art and History
The Sato Museum of Art
1972 鳥取県生まれ
1999 武蔵野美術大学大学院造形研究科日本画コース修了
2002 第2回星野慎吾賞展 優秀賞
2008 国際芸術センター青森 アーティストインレジデンス 秋
2017 第8回星野慎吾賞展 優秀賞
2018〜2023 武蔵野美術大学大学日本画科非常勤講師
2021 令和2年度文化庁新進芸術家海外研修制度研修員

People’s evaluations, values and standards are continually influenced by changing conditions. Today’s values are not completely different from yesterday’s, but they adjust to fit current ideas, attitudes and notions of utility and modernity. In contemporary Japanese society as in other cultures, our values have changed in our search for a better life. We find ourselves losing our older and perhaps more peaceful values that were of importance in the past. We can observe how the modern world has altered this relationship and how this affects our lives. Modern developments have caused environmental destruction; altering our needs, desires and values. Thus this changing relationship of humans and nature has become the main inspiration of my art.
人と自然の関わりの中に見える人々の価値観の変遷、意識の変容をテーマにしています。人々の価値観や視点は様々な現在の状況の影響下にあります。昨日の価値が今日は一変とは言わないまでもそれは常に現在の有効性にあわせて少しずつ変化しています。 その変化に飲み込まれるように消えて行きそうな、もうすでに失ってしまったものの断片や痕跡を描き留めたいと考えるものです。
Water and Light Project
Water and Light Project, Kyoto, New York, Seattle. Working with the interaction of light and sound where anything happens. Images on walls fall like water, fly like birds…Sound sets the mood